What are the Differences between AZ-103 and AZ-104 Exams?

April 29,2020 02:57 AM

AZ-104 exam is the new version of AZ-103, which will be retired on August 31, 2020. Now, if you intend to earn Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate certification, you can choose to take AZ-103 or AZ-104 exam. In this article, I will share you the differences between AZ-103 and AZ-104 exams, which will be helpful for you to prepare them. 

Differences between AZ-103 and AZ-104 exams

Differences between Requirements of AZ-103 and AZ-104 Exams

To take Microsoft AZ-103 exam, you should have proficiency in using PowerShell, the Command Line Interface, Azure Portal, ARM templates, operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, and networking.
To take Microsoft Azure AZ-104 beta exam, you should have a minimum of six months of hands-on experience administering Azure, a strong understanding of core Azure services, Azure workloads, security, and governance and have experience in using PowerShell, the Command Line Interface, Azure Portal, and ARM templates.

Differences between AZ-103 and AZ-104 Exams Topics

 AZ-103 Exam Topics  AZ-104 Exam Topics

 Manage Azure subscriptions and resources (15-20%) 

 Implement and manage storage (15-20%)

 Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs) (15-20%) 

 Configure and manage virtual networks (30-35%) 

 Manage identities (15-20%)

 Manage Azure identities and governance (15-20%) 

 Implement and manage storage (10-15%) 

 Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (25-30%) 

 Configure and manage virtual networking (30-35%) 

 Monitor and back up Azure resources (10-15%)

From the details of AZ-103 and AZ-104 exam topics in the above table, you can know that AZ-104 exam topics have changed a lot. If you are preparing Microsoft AZ-104 exam, please pay more attention to the following 3 sections: Manage Azure identities and governance, Deploy and manage Azure compute resources, Monitor and back up Azure resources. 

Microsoft AZ-103 and AZ-104 Exam Dumps Questions

We have the latest Microsoft Azure AZ-103 exam dumps questions, which are valuable for you to pass AZ-103 test. Besides, we will release AZ-104 exam dumps questions soon. Once we get them, we will publish them on the site. 
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AZ-103 DumpsQ&A: 369 Updated: March 21,2020
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